Andre Zimmermann
Research Area
University of British Columbia, 2009, PhD
McGill University, MSc
University of British Columbia, BSc, Honours
André Zimmermann is a professional geoscientist who conducts studies on sediment transport and river systems. He works for Northwest Hydraulic Consultants on a variety of river and coastal projects for clients that include municipal, provincial and federal governments, individual land owners, hydroelectric producers, pipeline companies, and other engineering companies. His work regularly includes assessing sediment transport, hydrology, geomorphology, fish habitat and river engineering problems. André’s professional experience includes physical laboratory and field studies that have collected sediment, water, topographic and bathymetric data, as well as geomorphology assessments. He completed his Doctoral research at the University of British Columbia in Geography and his Masters Degree is from McGill University.
As an Adjunct Professor in the department, Andre works with students conducting field and laboratory research projects in geomorphology and hydrology.
Andre can be most easily contacted at:
Northwest Hydraulic Consultants
30 Gostick Place
North Vancouver, BC
V7M 3G3