We are pleased to announce the UBC Geography Climate Action Committee will be hosting a clothing swap! Sustainably refresh your wardrobe, donate to others or simply enjoy the snacks, music and GSA sticker sale. Anybody is welcome to participate in the clothing swap. Donations are not required to attend, but are encouraged.
Date: February 1st
Time: 2-5pm
Location: Geography Building Room 229 (1984 West Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2)
How to donate:
- Bring your clean, gently used clothing items to the Geog main office (Room 217) during office hours (8:30-4:30). Clothes can be dropped off until Feb 1st.
- We will be accepting clean items in good condition including: tops, bottoms, jackets, winter accessories, and bags. Socks only if unworn.
- All sizes and styles are welcome.
Event details:
- Anybody is welcome to participate in the clothing swap. Donations are not required to attend, but are encouraged.
- Clothing will be organized by size.
- There will be free treats, music and the GSA sticker fundraiser sale.
- Remaining clothing will be donated to the DTES Women’s Shelter (265 E. Hastings location). We are also collecting other suitable donations for them, so please check their website for the most current donation needs (https://dewc.ca/location/265-east-hastings-st/#donations).
We hope to see you there!
Please send any event questions to reception@geog.ubc.ca