Sessional Lecturer Positions 2025S

Note: The courses listed below are subject to budgetary approval, conditional upon satisfactory enrolment and will be governed by UBC’s “Agreement on Conditions of Appointment for Sessional Faculty Members”.  Scheduled days of the week, times and assigned rooms are also subject to change.


Available Courses:


Term 1: May 12 to June 19, 2025

Examination Period: June 23 to June 27, 2025

GEOS 270 – 921: Geographic Information Science (3.0 credits)
This course focuses on computer-based graphical methods for data input and analysis, with a strong emphasis on data visualization techniques such as cartographic modelling and exploratory data analysis.

  • Delivery: Synchronous hybrid lecture with synchronous in-person and online lab sections.
  • Course: Tuesdays/Thursdays, from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
  • Lab: Tuesdays/Thursdays, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM and Wednesdays/Fridays, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM


Term 2: July 2 to August 8, 2025

Examination Period: August 12 to August 16, 2025

GEOG 410 – 922: Environment and Society (3.0 credits)
This course examines the geographical analysis of society-environment relations, focusing on resource management, environmental politics, political economy, and sustainable development. It incorporates perspectives from political ecology, political economy, environmental history, and environmental philosophy.

  • Prerequisite: GEOG 310
  • Delivery: In-person, Tuesday/Thursday from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM



Applicants must apply through the Geography website using the following link:

Application should be submitted as a single PDF file (maximum size 15MB) and include the following documents in the order specified:

  1. Cover letter addressed to the Head, Geraldine Pratt, highlighting previous teaching or relevant experience
  2. Sample course outline
  3. Names and contact information of three referees
  4. Statement of teaching philosophy and interests (one page)
  5. Evidence of teaching effectiveness
  6. One-page statement about their experience working with a diverse student body and their contributions or potential contributions to creating/advancing a culture of equity and inclusion

In addition, applicants must upload a current curriculum vitae in a separate PDF file (maximum size 15MB).

Doctoral students interested in applying must submit a proposal that outlines the benefits of teaching and the impact of teaching to their current progress in the program. Proposal should then be endorsed and signed by their supervisor/s. Only endorsed proposals will be considered.

For further inquiries, please contact Connie Cheung, Recruit and Appointment Co-ordinator, at

Deadline: March 10, 2025

Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit, or Indigenous person.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; qualified Canadians and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority.