Applications for the 2024/25 IBPOC Student Support Fund now open

The call for applications to the IBPOC Student Support Fund is now open. Created in collaboration with UBC’s Departments of Geography and Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, this award supports students from Indigenous, Black, and other racialized communities of colour who are studying climate change at UBC.  

Disproportionately impacted by the climate emergency, IBPOC community members have been historically underrepresented in Canadian climate research. Yet these voices are integral to making meaningful inroads on the path to tackling climate change and creating equitable solutions. This fund will assist IBPOC students to participate in critical learning opportunities and become leaders in climate change research and action at UBC and beyond.  

Applications are now open for the 2024/25 academic year, with $1,000 available to one recipient, or $500 to two recipients. 

Priority will be given to students who are enrolled in the Certificate in Climate Studies and Action, a unique program which is open to all undergraduates at UBC. However, students in any program who are engaged with climate work are encouraged to apply. 

“Receiving this award as a Métis student is not just a personal achievement but a powerful acknowledgment of the importance of diverse voices in addressing climate change. It fuels my passion to contribute to sustainability and underscores the value of integrating indigenous knowledge into environmental discourse. I hope to inspire others to work towards a better future and contribute to sustainability research and its practical application. Embracing our unique perspectives is key to driving positive change, and I am committed to playing a part in shaping a more inclusive future.”
2023 IBPOC Student Support Fund Recipient

Students can learn more about the application process here.

The fund remains open to donations and anyone can offer one time or ongoing support via the give UBC website.