Everything you need to know about GEOG379B


Why is this course special?
The course addresses important issues around intercultural understanding, engagement with local communities and sustainability, in the small city of Williams Lake in the BC interior. You will have the opportunity to learn by doing, through engaging in a research project, designed in a group with other students.

What is the structure of the course?
Lectures during the term focus on research skills, guest speakers and designing your research project while working via Skype, email or phone with your community partner in Williams Lake.

When do we visit Williams Lake?
The site visit takes place immediately after the exam period, 2nd to 6th of May.

How much does the field school cost?
As Dr. McPhee has a grant supporting the field school the total cost for students will not be more than $100 dollars.

I am graduating this year, can I still do the field school?
Absolutely we accommodate graduating students so they can still meet their conferring ceremony in May. It is a wonderful way to finish your degree and get really good experience for the job market!

What should I do next?
Spaces are limited and an email interview with Dr. Siobhán McPhee is necessary to secure your place so email now siobhan.mcphee@ubc.ca

Click here to read about the 2015 GEOG379B cohort that visited Williams Lake in May 2015.