New (partial) GSA at GeoGala 2014 [left to right: Evelyn, Emily H., Jialin, Andrea, Emily R., Josh] Photo by Gurbir Grewal
Emily Rennalls, VP Sustainability
Year: 3
Major: Environment and Sustainability
“Although I’m a transplant from Ontario, it appears that BC has me locked in with its divine combination of ocean and mountains. I am both a tea and pizza fanatic. Grab a cup and a slice, curl up, put on a good film and you have my favourite kind of rainy evening. I’m excited to get more involved in the department this year and look forward to meeting you all!
This year I plan to connect the GSA with groups centred in sustainability both off and on campus. I want the GSA to connect with their broader community. That being said, I hope the events and workshops I put on will strengthen the department’s internal ties as well. Chat with me or email any ideas you have about what you hope to see happen in the GSA this year!”
Andrea Eisma, VP Finance
Year: 5
Major: Environment and Sustainability
“This summer I participated in a Group Study program to New Zealand and the Cook Islands. While I was away, I was able to see penguins in the wild – a life goal of mine! Now, you’ll probably find me at the aquarium with the penguins and the sea otters. I’m looking forward to a year of awesome fundraisers, events and activities with the GSA– our budget is looking good so far!
Rebecca Moore, VP Graduation
Year: 4
Major: Environment and Sustainability
“Hiya, I’m VP Graduation this year, which means I will be organising the geography department graduation photos and the GeoGala amongst other things. I hope to be able to make the GeoGala as affordable as possible for everyone and ensure the Class of 2015 graduates on a high note.
I’m an international student from England, though I don’t drink tea and haven’t met the Queen! My passion is traveling, I love to explore new landscapes and cultures. I’ve just returned from an exchange in Cape Town, South Africa. Every experience, from learning about the mega-geomorphology of Southern Africa to seeing wild penguins on a beach in Cape Town, added together to produce the most amazing of terms, one that I will never forget and would thoroughly recommend to anyone.”
Jialin Yang, VP Academic
Year: 5
Major: Environment and Sustainability
“I used to be a History Honours and International Relations major. I love photographing all sorts of animals. I hate direct sunlight.
As VP Academic, I hope to apply for the AMS Sustainability Grant so that Trail Six can get carbon neutral printing. I also hope to connect Geography students with greater academic opportunities and provide career-related resources as well. I also want to help foster a sense of belonging for each individual in Geography through all of the GSA’s events and activities.”
Josh Cutler, President
Year: 4
Major: Human Geography
“I was born and raised in Uganda, went to high school in Switzerland and Wales and am now discovering the West coast of Canada! I love to travel, eat new food, bike, hike, sail, adventure and always meet new people. Geography has been a consistent passion of mine. One of my favorite movies is Madagascar.
The GSA can significantly improve the quality of a students social and academic experience at UBC. Not only does it allow students to meet like-minded friends and improve extracurricular involvements, but more importantly the GSA provides countless opportunities to take advantage of the resources available in the wider geography community. One of my main goals is to preserve and maintain the presence of the GSA in Geography by continuing to host the existing events. We shall also try to make the GSA more present and accessible to more students and provide a space and time for more worthwhile collaboration between members of the club. Additionally we would like to host more informal events that bring together students, faculty and staff. And always more field trips!”
Elizabeth Good, Co-VP Social
Year: 5
Major: Environment and Sustainability, and International Relations
“I am a firm believer that hammocks are superior to any other type of furniture; I have yet to find a food that does not go with peanut butter or ranch dressing; I experience separation anxiety when apart from my nalgene water bottle for prolonged periods of time, and I am incredibly excited to be co-VP Social.
As Co-VP Social, I aim to provide geography students with fun, unique, and affordable opportunities to come together as a department in a casual setting. In addition to renowned geography events like BZZR Gardens and Geogala, we hope to offer new and exciting opportunities that interest all geography students. We can’t wait to meet you and show you why Geography is the best department at UBC.”
Emily Huang, VP External
Year: 3
Major: Human Geography
“Airports are one of my favourite places to be at. I’m absolutely terrified of any horror movies or TV shows. Also, when I was young, my canoe flipped and I fell into a huge lake, now I have a fear of canoeing.
What I like to accomplish in the GSA: This year, what I want to accomplish in the GSA is to connect Geography students with the greater UBC community and other non-geography students through various events and outings. This is a way to create a sense of community for Geography’s undergraduate students. These events and outings include for example, field trips, sports team, Day of the Longboat and the WDCAG conference. With these opportunities, I also want to create better connection and social interaction between the GSA execs, the first and second year students, and the upper year students.”
Evelyn Chan, VP Administration
Year: 4
Major: Environment and Sustainability
“Hi all! I’m Evelyn Chan and I’m your 2014 and 2015 GSA Vice President Administration. I am a fourth year undergraduate student currently studying Environment and Sustainability Geography. As a Vancouverite I love reading, coffee, hiking and spending time outdoors. You will most likely find me hanging out at the Geography Lounge or at the UBC Bookstore. One of the main goals that I would like to accomplish this year for the GSA is to welcome more first and second year students into our club. Although we are always excited to have our old members steadily supporting our club we would really love to include new faces and a more diverse group of students to join. The best thing is that you don’t even have to be a Geography student to join!”
Audrey Schalhoub, Co-VP Social
Year: 4
Major: Environment and Sustainability
“2-3 sentences about yourself: Welcome back to a new academic year! This is my second year as a Geography major, and I am fascinated by the diversity of topics in this field. Facts about me: I enjoy night explorations, biking, learning new instruments, tasting plants and spicy food. Feel free to approach me anywhere and ask about my newest obsession!
This year I have made it my personal mission to enhance student health and well-being by collecting students’ opinions of GSA services through seasonal surveys and accommodating to their needs. I will work towards raising student awareness of GSA services and events by making myself accessible around the building during weekdays in addition to implementing student news and announcement boards throughout the building. I also plan on organizing fun and interactive workshops bringing graduate and undergraduate students together.”