This summer, we welcome one postdoctoral and two teaching and learning fellows to our Geography community!
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Jennifer Bagelman

Open University, 2012, PhD
University of Victoria, MA, First Class Honours
University of Victoria, BA, First Class Honours
I joined UBC in January 2015 as a SSHRC Post-Doctoral Fellow. Previously, I was a Lecturer in the Department of Geography at Durham University, UK. My research is situated at the intersections between geography and politics.
My research is animated by an interest in how people come together to challenge exclusionary citizenship practices. I am especially interested in how arts-based social movements are transforming established norms about citizenship, belonging, and political community. I am drawn to think about these questions in relation to the urban: how do these movements demand a ‘right to the city’ and even re-shape how we imagine our ‘urban world’ today?
Specifically, I have explored how sanctuary movements in Canada and the UK challenge and yet also deepen hostile citizenship regimes. My book ‘Sanctuary City: A Suspended State’ reveals how sanctuary inadvertently holds asylum seekers in a waiting state, where their rights are indefinitely deferred. In this book I examine, how can this be otherwise?
My current SSHRC-funded research explores the experiential geographies of emergency food provisioning from the perspectives of migrant and Indigenous communities living in Vancouver and Vancouver Island. I consider how critical and creative urban food movements, especially those which deepen a solidarity between migrant and Indigenous communities, challenge exclusionary citizenship practices. As part of this work my sister (Carly) and I have co-founded Glean – a non profit organisation that develops resources with community to challenge food security discourses that silence groups identified as ‘at risk’. Glean co-designs visual tools, such as ‘critical cookbooks’ and ‘participatory picturebooks,’ in an effort to nourish more equitable foodscapes.
Teaching and Learning Fellow, Arthur “Gill” Green
McGill University, 2013, PhD
North Carolina State University, MSc
Guilford College, BSc
I am an environmental geographer with a research focus on the intersection of natural resource management, property theory, legal geography, and political ecology. Most of my research has taken place in rural areas (of Southeast Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and North America) or in complex political emergencies wherein the legitimacy of local and statutory systems is in flux. I believe that an understanding of the ways in which people struggle to access, define, and distribute the rights and responsibilities surrounding property is crucial for understanding how cultural, political, legal, and economic systems function. Therefore, critical approaches to property theory and applied research on land administration and natural resource policies drive much of my work. I have over a decade of experience as a consultant on natural resource management, agroforestry, and geographic information systems for international organizations including the ICRC, Winrock, the World Agroforestry Centre, BirdLife International, Environmental Law Institute, and USAID funded projects.
As an educator, I teach about human-environment issues, food systems, political geography, and spatial statistics. I have supervised undergraduate research and served on graduate committees that address agricultural lands and issues in development and legal geography. My work on curriculum transformation and program development at both the college and university level emphasizes adoption of open pedagogy principles, flexible learning practices, and open educational resources within geography and environmental studies.
Teaching and Learning Fellow, Derek Turner
Simon Fraser University, 2014, PhD
Simon Fraser University, MSc
University of Victoria, BSc, Honours
I am a Teaching and Learning Fellow in the Department of Geography at the University of British Columbia whose primary interests are geoscience education and glacial geomorphology.
I am an enthusiastic advocate of student-led, outcome-based education. As part of the Flexible Learning Project, I am involved with integrating new flexible and blended teaching approaches that allow student to explore course and program content in more effective ways. I am especially interested in the capability of mobile, web-based learning tools and other technologies to support students in reaching their learning goals. In my courses, I focus on using inquiry-based activities that provide students with authentic and practical experiences.
My research interests are in understanding the timing and cause of Pleistocene glaciations in the Canadian Cordillera, their connection to long-term cycles of climate change and their lasting impact on the people, ecology and landscape in western and northern Canada. I also have 10 years of industry experience applying this knowledge to issues involving infrastructure and resource development, natural hazards and terrain mapping and classification.