Pet Plant Project: A Healthy Workplace Initiative


From salad greens to kitchen herbs

The Department of Geography was awarded one of the 11 Healthy Workplace Initiative Program Fund grants from UBC HR. In an effort to promote faculty and staff wellness, Suzanne Lawrence, Student Services Manager, composed a proposal for the purchase of edible desktop plants in the offices in the Geography Building.


Mimi examining the plants

Studies after studies showed the beneficial effects of growing plants in office spaces. It’s a small beautification project to combat the year long construction that’s surrounded the Geography Building; their edibility is just a bonus! A survey was sent around to interested faculty and staff members on which plants were most desirable. Herbs won the majority vote, a pragmatic choice for the small and sporadically sunlit offices, but there were a few indoor vegetable plants as well.

Cayenne pepper plant

A flowering Cayenne pepper plant