Marwan Hassan

phone 604 822 5894
location_on GEOG 253

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1989, PhD
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, MSc
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, BA


My research covers a wide range of topics in geomorphology and hydrology such as landscape evolution, the interaction between hill-slopes and channels, channel stability and morphology, river sediment transport and sediment yield, stream ecology, in-channel wood dynamics, and modeling fine sediments and their interactions with stream physical and biological characteristics.

I have worked on fundamental processes involving flow and sediment transport and contributed to the advancement of river science at various scales, from sediment grains to watersheds, and in fields outside fluvial geomorphology such as urban hydrology, hyporheic flow, desert floods, water quality, and water resources.

Model development has been a very important component of my research, with considerable experimental flume work used to complement field data.




McDowell, C. and M.A. Hassan. 2024. Response of a small, forested stream to a large input of sediment. Geomorphology 447 109002. doi:


Hassan, M. A. Li, W. Viparelli, E. An, C. and A. J. Mitchell. 2023. Influence of sediment supply timing on bedload transport and bed surface texture during a single experimental hydrograph in gravel bed rivers. Water Resources Research 59 (12). doi:

Zheng, S. An, C. Wang, H. Li, L. Wang, F. and M. A. Hassan. 2023. The migration of the erosion center downstream of the Three Gorges Dam, China, and the role played by underlying gravel layer. Water Resources Research 59 (11). doi:

Hassan, M. A. Saletti, M. McDowell, C. and W. Li. 2023. Sediment dynamics and bed stability in step-pool streams: Insights from 18 years of field observations. Water Resources Research 59 (1). doi:

Lei, Y. Hassan, M. A. Viparelli, E. Chartrand, S. M. An, C. Fu, X. and C. Hu. 2023. The effect of sediment supply on pool-riffle morphology. Water Resources Research 59 (11). doi:

Chen, X. Hassan, M.A. Bird, S. Rasouli, K. and X. Fu, X. 2023. The role of previously glaciated landscapes in spatiotemporal variability of streamflow in snow-dominated watersheds: British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 49 101478. doi:

Hassan, M. A. and W. Li. 2023. Experimental dataset for the influence of sediment feeding timing on bedload transport and surface texture during hydrograph in graver bed rivers. Figshare. doi:

Lin, Y. An, C. Zheng, S. Nie, R. Parker, G. Hassan, M. A. Czapiga, M. J. and X. Fu. 2023. Degradation of a foreland river after the Wenchuan Earthquake, China: A combined effect of weirs, sediment supply, and sediment mining. Water Resources Research 59
e2023WR035345. doi:

Schwindt, S. Negreiros, B. Mudiaga-Ojemu, B.O. Hassan, M.A. 2023. Meta-analysis of a large bedload transport rate data. Geomorphology 435: 108748. doi:

Li, W. Saletti, M. Hassan, M. A. Johnson, J.P.L. Carr, J. Chui, C. and K. Yang. 2023. The influence of coarse particle abundance and spatial distribution on sediment transport and cluster evolution in steep channels under sediment-starved conditions. Catena 229, 107199. doi:

Papangelakis, E. Hassan, M. A. Luzi, D. Burge, L. M. and S. Peirce. 2023. Measuring geomorphology in river assessment procedures 1: A global overview of current practices. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 59 (6): 13421359.

Papangelakis, E. Hassan, M. A. Luzi, D. Burge, L. M. and S. Peirce. 2023. Measuring geomorphology in river assessment procedures 2: Recommendations for supporting river management goals. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 59: 1–23. doi:

Zhang, C. Hassan, M.A. Saletti, M. Zimmermann, A.E.  Xu, M., and Z. Wang. 2023. Unit-Scale Framework for Designing Step-Pool Sequences. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 149 (1).

Chartrand, S.M. Jellinek, A.M. Hassan, M.A. and C. Ferrer-Boix. 2023. Coupling between downstream variations of channel width and local pool–riffle bed topography. Earth Surface Dynamics 11 (1): 1–20. doi:

Church, M. and M. A. Hassan. 2023. The fluvial grain‐size gap: Experimental confirmation of hydraulic origin. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 1-10. doi:

Lin, Y. An, C. Czapiga, M. Hassan, M. Parker, G. and X. Fu. Morphodynamics of the Shi-ting River after Wenchuan Earthquake: Effects of in-channel weirs and fine sediment supply on river incision. EGU23 16582. doi:

Turley, M. and M. Hassan. 2023. Spatial patterns of disconnectivity explain catchment-scale sediment dynamics and transfer efficiencies. Authorea. doi:10.22541/essoar.167690098.82781488/v1

Wlodarczyk, K. Hassan, M. A. and M. Church. 2023. Annual and decadal net morphological displacement of a small gravel-bed channel. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 48: 1630–1645. doi:


Zhu, L., D. Chen, M. Hassan, and J. G. Venditti. 2022. The influence of riparian vegetation on the sinuosity and lateral stability of meandering channels. Geophysical Research Letters 49 (2). doi:

Zhang, C. Xu, Y. Hassan, M.A. Xu, M. and P. He. 2022. A combined approach of experimental and numerical modeling for 3D hydraulic features of a step-pool unit. Earth Surface Dynamics 10: 1253–1272. doi:

Chen, X. Hassan, M.A. and X. Fu. 2022. Convolutional neural networks for image-based sediment detection applied to a large terrestrial and airborne dataset. Earth Surface Dynamics 10: 349–366. doi:

An, C. Fang, H. Zhang, l. Su, X. Fu, X. Huang, H. Parker, G. Hassan, M. A. Meghan, N.A. Anders, A. M. and G. Wang, G. 2022. Poyang and Dongting Lakes, Yangtze River: tributary lakes blocked by main-stem aggradation, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (30). doi:

Hassan, M. A. Chartrand, S. M. Radić,V. Ferrer-Boix, C. Buckrell, E. and C. McDowell. 2022. Experiments on the sediment transport along pool-riffle unit. Water Resources Research 58. doi:

Al-Ghorani, N.G. Hassan, M.A. Langendoen, E.J. 2022. Reach-scale morphodynamics: insights from 20 years of observations and model simulations. Geomorphology 41.

Pierce, J.K. Hassan, M.A. and R. M. L Ferreira. 2022. Probabilistic description of bedload fluxes from the aggregate dynamics of individual grains, Earth Surface Dynamics 10: 817–832.  doi:

Wang, J. Hassan, M.A. Saletti, M. Yang, X. Zhou, H. and J. Zhou. 2022. Experimental study on the mitigation effects of deflection walls on debris flow hazards at the confluence of tributary and main river, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 81 (9): 354. doi:

Zhang, C. Sun, A. Hassan, M.A. and C. Qin. 2022. Assessing Through-Water Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry in Gravel-Bed Rivers under Controlled Conditions. Remote Sens, 14, 5351. doi:

Zhu, L. Chen, D. Hassan, M. A. and J. G. Venditti. 2022. The influence of riparian vegetation on the sinuosity and lateral stability of meandering channels. Geophysical Research Letters 49. doi:

Reid, D.A. Hassan, M.A. and R. McCleary. 2022. Glacial landscape configuration influences channel response to Flooding. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 47 (1): 209–227. doi: 10.1002/esp.5240.


Hassan, M. A. RadiĆ, V. Buckrell, E. Chartrand, S. M. and C. Mcdowell. 2021. Pool-Riffle Adjustment Due to Changes in Flow and Sediment Supply. Water Resources Research 57(2). doi:

An, C. Gong, Z. Naito, K. Parker, G. Hassan, M. A. Ma, H. and X, Fu. 2021. Grain Size-Specific Engelund-Hansen Type Relation for Bed Material Load in Sand-Bed Rivers, With Application to the Mississippi River. Water Resources Research 57(2). doi:

Reid, D. A. Hassan, M. A. and R. McCleary. 2021. Glacial landscape configuration influences channel response to Flooding. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 47: 209–227. doi:

Al-Ghorani, N. G. Hassan, M. A. and E. J. Langendoen. 2021. Spatiotemporal patterns of fractional suspended sediment dynamics in small watersheds. Water Resources Research 57(11). doi:

An, C. Hassan, M. A. Ferrer-Boix, C. and X. Fu. 2021.Effect of stress history on sediment transport and channel adjustment in graded gravel-bed rivers. Earth Surface Dynamics 9 (2): 333– 350. doi:

Juez, C. Garijo, N. Hassan, M. A. and E. Nadal-Romero. 2021. Intraseasonal-to- interannual analysis of discharge and suspended sediment concentration time-series of the Upper Changjiang (Yangtze River). Water Resources Research 57 (8).

Wang, J. Hassan, M. A. Saletti, M. Chen, X. Fu, X. Zhou, H. and X. Yang. 2021. On how episodic sediment supply influences the evolution of channel morphology, bedload transport and channel stability in an experimental step-pool channel. Water Resources Research 57 (7). doi:

Luzi, D. Hassan, M. A. Papangelakis, E. and B. Eaton. 2021. Cycles of aggradation and degradation in gravel-bed rivers mediated by sediment storage and morphologic evolution. Geomorphology 395 (11). doi:

McDowell, C. Gaeuman, D. and M. A. Hassan. 2021. Linkages between bedload displacements and topographic change. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 46 (15): 3127–3142. doi:

Terweh, S. Hassan, M. A. Mao, L. Schrott, L. and T. O. Hoffmann. 2021. Bio-climate affects hillslope and fluvial sediment grain size along the Chilean Coastal Cordillera. Geomorphology 384. doi:

Turley, M. Hassan, M. A. and O. Slaymaker. 2021. Quantifying sediment connectivity: Moving toward a holistic assessment through a mixed methods approach. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 46 (12): 2501–2519. doi:

Wang, J. Hassan, M. A. Saletti, M. Chen, X. Fu, X. Zhou, H. and X. Yang. 2021. Experimental insights into the effect of event sequencing and sediment input texture on step-pool channel evolution. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 47 (2): 569-581. doi:



Saletti, M. and Hassan, M. A. 2020. Width variations control the development of grainstructuring in steep step-pool dominated streams:insight from flume experiments. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45(6): 1430-1440. doi:

Zhang, Y. Hassan, M. A. King, L. Fu, X., Istanbulluoglu, E. and G. Wang. 2020. Morphometrics of China’s Loess Plateau: The spatial legacy of tectonics, climate, and loess deposition history. Geomorphology 354. doi:

Pierce, J. K. and Hassan, M. A. 2020. Joint Stochastic Bedload Transport and Bed Elevation Model: Variance Regulation and Power Law Rests. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 125(4). doi:

Pierce, J. K. and Hassan, M. A. 2020. Back to Einstein: Burial-Induced Three-Range Diffusion in Fluvial Sediment Transport. Geophysical Research Letters 47(15). doi:

Reid, D. A. and Hassan, M. A. 2020. Response of In-Stream Wood to Riparian Timber Harvesting: Field Observations and Long-Term Projections. Water Resources Research 56(8). doi: 10.1029/2020WR027077

Chen, X. Hassan, M. A. An, C. and X. Fu. 2020. Rough Correlations: Meta-Analysis of Roughness Measures in Gravel Bed Rivers. Water Resources Research 56(8). doi:

Hassan, M. A. Saletti, M. Johnson, J. P. L. Ferrer-Boix, C. Venditti, J. G. and M. Church. 2020 ‘Experimental Insights Into the Threshold of Motion in Alluvial Channels: Sediment Supply and Streambed State. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 125. doi:

Helm, C. Hassan, M. A. and D. Reid. 2020. Characterization of morphological units in a small, forested stream using close-range remotely piloted aircraft imagery. Earth Surface Dynamics 8(4): 913-929. doi:

McDowell, C. and M. A. Hassan. 2020. The influence of channel morphology on bedload path lengths: Insights from a survival process model. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45(12): 2982-2997. doi:

Saletti, M. and Hassan, M. A. 2020. Experimental study of sediment supply control on step formation, evolution, and stability. Earth Surface Dynamics 8(4): 855–868. doi:



Reid, D. A. Hassan, M. A. Bird, S. Pike, R. and P. Tschaplinski. 2019. Does variable channel morphology lead to dynamic salmon habitat?. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45(2): 295-311. doi:

De Rego, K. Lauer, J. W. Eaton, B. and M. A. Hassan. 2019. A decadal‐scale numerical model for wandering, cobble‐bedded rivers subject to disturbance. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45(4): 912-927. doi:

Zhang, C. Xu, M. Hassan, M. A. Chartrand, S. M., Wang, Z. and Z. MA. 2019. Experiment on morphological and hydraulic adjustments of step‐pool unit to flow increase. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45(2): 280-294. doi:

Talebi, A. Zahedi, E. Hassan, M. A. and M. T. Lesanti. 2019. Locating suitable sites for the construction of underground dams using the subsurface flow simulation (SWAT model) and analytical network process (ANP) (case study: Daroongar watershed, Iran). Sustainable Water Resources Management 5: 1369–1378. doi:

Hassan, M. A. Saletti, M. Zhang, C. Ferrer-Boix, C. Johnson, J. P. L. Müller, T. and C. Von Flotow. 2019. Co‐evolution of coarse grain structuring and bed roughness in response to episodic sediment supply in an experimental aggrading channel. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45(4): 948-961. doi:

Fraccarollo, L. and M. A. Hassan. 2019. Einstein conjecture and resting-time statistics in the bed-load transport of monodispersed particles. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 876: 1077-1089. doi:

Chartrand, S. M. Jellinek, A. M. Hassan, M. A. and C. Ferrer-Boix. 2019. What controls the disequilibrium state of gravel‐bed rivers?’ Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44(15): 3020-3041. doi:

Reid, D. A. Hassan, M. A., Bird, S. and D. Hogan. 2019. Spatial and temporal patterns of sediment storage over 45 years in Carnation Creek, BC, a previously glaciated mountain catchment. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44(8): 1584-1601. doi:

Elgueta-Astaburuaga, M. A. and M. A. Hassan. 2019. Sediment storage, partial transport, and the evolution of an experimental gravel bed under changing sediment supply regimes. Geomorphology 330. doi:

An, C. Parker, G. Hassan, M. A. and X, Fu. 2019. Can magic sand cause massive degradation of a gravel-bed river at the decadal scale? Shi‑ting River, China. Geomorphology 327: 147-158. doi:

Tsuruta, K. Hassan, M. A. Donner, S. D. and Y. Alila. 2019. Modelling the effects of climatic and hydrological regime changes on the sediment dynamics of the Fraser River Basin, British Columbia, Canada. Hydrological Processes 33(2): 244-260. doi:

Marwan Hassan

phone 604 822 5894
location_on GEOG 253

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1989, PhD
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, MSc
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, BA


My research covers a wide range of topics in geomorphology and hydrology such as landscape evolution, the interaction between hill-slopes and channels, channel stability and morphology, river sediment transport and sediment yield, stream ecology, in-channel wood dynamics, and modeling fine sediments and their interactions with stream physical and biological characteristics.

I have worked on fundamental processes involving flow and sediment transport and contributed to the advancement of river science at various scales, from sediment grains to watersheds, and in fields outside fluvial geomorphology such as urban hydrology, hyporheic flow, desert floods, water quality, and water resources.

Model development has been a very important component of my research, with considerable experimental flume work used to complement field data.




McDowell, C. and M.A. Hassan. 2024. Response of a small, forested stream to a large input of sediment. Geomorphology 447 109002. doi:


Hassan, M. A. Li, W. Viparelli, E. An, C. and A. J. Mitchell. 2023. Influence of sediment supply timing on bedload transport and bed surface texture during a single experimental hydrograph in gravel bed rivers. Water Resources Research 59 (12). doi:

Zheng, S. An, C. Wang, H. Li, L. Wang, F. and M. A. Hassan. 2023. The migration of the erosion center downstream of the Three Gorges Dam, China, and the role played by underlying gravel layer. Water Resources Research 59 (11). doi:

Hassan, M. A. Saletti, M. McDowell, C. and W. Li. 2023. Sediment dynamics and bed stability in step-pool streams: Insights from 18 years of field observations. Water Resources Research 59 (1). doi:

Lei, Y. Hassan, M. A. Viparelli, E. Chartrand, S. M. An, C. Fu, X. and C. Hu. 2023. The effect of sediment supply on pool-riffle morphology. Water Resources Research 59 (11). doi:

Chen, X. Hassan, M.A. Bird, S. Rasouli, K. and X. Fu, X. 2023. The role of previously glaciated landscapes in spatiotemporal variability of streamflow in snow-dominated watersheds: British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 49 101478. doi:

Hassan, M. A. and W. Li. 2023. Experimental dataset for the influence of sediment feeding timing on bedload transport and surface texture during hydrograph in graver bed rivers. Figshare. doi:

Lin, Y. An, C. Zheng, S. Nie, R. Parker, G. Hassan, M. A. Czapiga, M. J. and X. Fu. 2023. Degradation of a foreland river after the Wenchuan Earthquake, China: A combined effect of weirs, sediment supply, and sediment mining. Water Resources Research 59
e2023WR035345. doi:

Schwindt, S. Negreiros, B. Mudiaga-Ojemu, B.O. Hassan, M.A. 2023. Meta-analysis of a large bedload transport rate data. Geomorphology 435: 108748. doi:

Li, W. Saletti, M. Hassan, M. A. Johnson, J.P.L. Carr, J. Chui, C. and K. Yang. 2023. The influence of coarse particle abundance and spatial distribution on sediment transport and cluster evolution in steep channels under sediment-starved conditions. Catena 229, 107199. doi:

Papangelakis, E. Hassan, M. A. Luzi, D. Burge, L. M. and S. Peirce. 2023. Measuring geomorphology in river assessment procedures 1: A global overview of current practices. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 59 (6): 13421359.

Papangelakis, E. Hassan, M. A. Luzi, D. Burge, L. M. and S. Peirce. 2023. Measuring geomorphology in river assessment procedures 2: Recommendations for supporting river management goals. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 59: 1–23. doi:

Zhang, C. Hassan, M.A. Saletti, M. Zimmermann, A.E.  Xu, M., and Z. Wang. 2023. Unit-Scale Framework for Designing Step-Pool Sequences. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 149 (1).

Chartrand, S.M. Jellinek, A.M. Hassan, M.A. and C. Ferrer-Boix. 2023. Coupling between downstream variations of channel width and local pool–riffle bed topography. Earth Surface Dynamics 11 (1): 1–20. doi:

Church, M. and M. A. Hassan. 2023. The fluvial grain‐size gap: Experimental confirmation of hydraulic origin. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 1-10. doi:

Lin, Y. An, C. Czapiga, M. Hassan, M. Parker, G. and X. Fu. Morphodynamics of the Shi-ting River after Wenchuan Earthquake: Effects of in-channel weirs and fine sediment supply on river incision. EGU23 16582. doi:

Turley, M. and M. Hassan. 2023. Spatial patterns of disconnectivity explain catchment-scale sediment dynamics and transfer efficiencies. Authorea. doi:10.22541/essoar.167690098.82781488/v1

Wlodarczyk, K. Hassan, M. A. and M. Church. 2023. Annual and decadal net morphological displacement of a small gravel-bed channel. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 48: 1630–1645. doi:


Zhu, L., D. Chen, M. Hassan, and J. G. Venditti. 2022. The influence of riparian vegetation on the sinuosity and lateral stability of meandering channels. Geophysical Research Letters 49 (2). doi:

Zhang, C. Xu, Y. Hassan, M.A. Xu, M. and P. He. 2022. A combined approach of experimental and numerical modeling for 3D hydraulic features of a step-pool unit. Earth Surface Dynamics 10: 1253–1272. doi:

Chen, X. Hassan, M.A. and X. Fu. 2022. Convolutional neural networks for image-based sediment detection applied to a large terrestrial and airborne dataset. Earth Surface Dynamics 10: 349–366. doi:

An, C. Fang, H. Zhang, l. Su, X. Fu, X. Huang, H. Parker, G. Hassan, M. A. Meghan, N.A. Anders, A. M. and G. Wang, G. 2022. Poyang and Dongting Lakes, Yangtze River: tributary lakes blocked by main-stem aggradation, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (30). doi:

Hassan, M. A. Chartrand, S. M. Radić,V. Ferrer-Boix, C. Buckrell, E. and C. McDowell. 2022. Experiments on the sediment transport along pool-riffle unit. Water Resources Research 58. doi:

Al-Ghorani, N.G. Hassan, M.A. Langendoen, E.J. 2022. Reach-scale morphodynamics: insights from 20 years of observations and model simulations. Geomorphology 41.

Pierce, J.K. Hassan, M.A. and R. M. L Ferreira. 2022. Probabilistic description of bedload fluxes from the aggregate dynamics of individual grains, Earth Surface Dynamics 10: 817–832.  doi:

Wang, J. Hassan, M.A. Saletti, M. Yang, X. Zhou, H. and J. Zhou. 2022. Experimental study on the mitigation effects of deflection walls on debris flow hazards at the confluence of tributary and main river, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 81 (9): 354. doi:

Zhang, C. Sun, A. Hassan, M.A. and C. Qin. 2022. Assessing Through-Water Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry in Gravel-Bed Rivers under Controlled Conditions. Remote Sens, 14, 5351. doi:

Zhu, L. Chen, D. Hassan, M. A. and J. G. Venditti. 2022. The influence of riparian vegetation on the sinuosity and lateral stability of meandering channels. Geophysical Research Letters 49. doi:

Reid, D.A. Hassan, M.A. and R. McCleary. 2022. Glacial landscape configuration influences channel response to Flooding. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 47 (1): 209–227. doi: 10.1002/esp.5240.


Hassan, M. A. RadiĆ, V. Buckrell, E. Chartrand, S. M. and C. Mcdowell. 2021. Pool-Riffle Adjustment Due to Changes in Flow and Sediment Supply. Water Resources Research 57(2). doi:

An, C. Gong, Z. Naito, K. Parker, G. Hassan, M. A. Ma, H. and X, Fu. 2021. Grain Size-Specific Engelund-Hansen Type Relation for Bed Material Load in Sand-Bed Rivers, With Application to the Mississippi River. Water Resources Research 57(2). doi:

Reid, D. A. Hassan, M. A. and R. McCleary. 2021. Glacial landscape configuration influences channel response to Flooding. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 47: 209–227. doi:

Al-Ghorani, N. G. Hassan, M. A. and E. J. Langendoen. 2021. Spatiotemporal patterns of fractional suspended sediment dynamics in small watersheds. Water Resources Research 57(11). doi:

An, C. Hassan, M. A. Ferrer-Boix, C. and X. Fu. 2021.Effect of stress history on sediment transport and channel adjustment in graded gravel-bed rivers. Earth Surface Dynamics 9 (2): 333– 350. doi:

Juez, C. Garijo, N. Hassan, M. A. and E. Nadal-Romero. 2021. Intraseasonal-to- interannual analysis of discharge and suspended sediment concentration time-series of the Upper Changjiang (Yangtze River). Water Resources Research 57 (8).

Wang, J. Hassan, M. A. Saletti, M. Chen, X. Fu, X. Zhou, H. and X. Yang. 2021. On how episodic sediment supply influences the evolution of channel morphology, bedload transport and channel stability in an experimental step-pool channel. Water Resources Research 57 (7). doi:

Luzi, D. Hassan, M. A. Papangelakis, E. and B. Eaton. 2021. Cycles of aggradation and degradation in gravel-bed rivers mediated by sediment storage and morphologic evolution. Geomorphology 395 (11). doi:

McDowell, C. Gaeuman, D. and M. A. Hassan. 2021. Linkages between bedload displacements and topographic change. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 46 (15): 3127–3142. doi:

Terweh, S. Hassan, M. A. Mao, L. Schrott, L. and T. O. Hoffmann. 2021. Bio-climate affects hillslope and fluvial sediment grain size along the Chilean Coastal Cordillera. Geomorphology 384. doi:

Turley, M. Hassan, M. A. and O. Slaymaker. 2021. Quantifying sediment connectivity: Moving toward a holistic assessment through a mixed methods approach. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 46 (12): 2501–2519. doi:

Wang, J. Hassan, M. A. Saletti, M. Chen, X. Fu, X. Zhou, H. and X. Yang. 2021. Experimental insights into the effect of event sequencing and sediment input texture on step-pool channel evolution. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 47 (2): 569-581. doi:



Saletti, M. and Hassan, M. A. 2020. Width variations control the development of grainstructuring in steep step-pool dominated streams:insight from flume experiments. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45(6): 1430-1440. doi:

Zhang, Y. Hassan, M. A. King, L. Fu, X., Istanbulluoglu, E. and G. Wang. 2020. Morphometrics of China’s Loess Plateau: The spatial legacy of tectonics, climate, and loess deposition history. Geomorphology 354. doi:

Pierce, J. K. and Hassan, M. A. 2020. Joint Stochastic Bedload Transport and Bed Elevation Model: Variance Regulation and Power Law Rests. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 125(4). doi:

Pierce, J. K. and Hassan, M. A. 2020. Back to Einstein: Burial-Induced Three-Range Diffusion in Fluvial Sediment Transport. Geophysical Research Letters 47(15). doi:

Reid, D. A. and Hassan, M. A. 2020. Response of In-Stream Wood to Riparian Timber Harvesting: Field Observations and Long-Term Projections. Water Resources Research 56(8). doi: 10.1029/2020WR027077

Chen, X. Hassan, M. A. An, C. and X. Fu. 2020. Rough Correlations: Meta-Analysis of Roughness Measures in Gravel Bed Rivers. Water Resources Research 56(8). doi:

Hassan, M. A. Saletti, M. Johnson, J. P. L. Ferrer-Boix, C. Venditti, J. G. and M. Church. 2020 ‘Experimental Insights Into the Threshold of Motion in Alluvial Channels: Sediment Supply and Streambed State. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 125. doi:

Helm, C. Hassan, M. A. and D. Reid. 2020. Characterization of morphological units in a small, forested stream using close-range remotely piloted aircraft imagery. Earth Surface Dynamics 8(4): 913-929. doi:

McDowell, C. and M. A. Hassan. 2020. The influence of channel morphology on bedload path lengths: Insights from a survival process model. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45(12): 2982-2997. doi:

Saletti, M. and Hassan, M. A. 2020. Experimental study of sediment supply control on step formation, evolution, and stability. Earth Surface Dynamics 8(4): 855–868. doi:



Reid, D. A. Hassan, M. A. Bird, S. Pike, R. and P. Tschaplinski. 2019. Does variable channel morphology lead to dynamic salmon habitat?. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45(2): 295-311. doi:

De Rego, K. Lauer, J. W. Eaton, B. and M. A. Hassan. 2019. A decadal‐scale numerical model for wandering, cobble‐bedded rivers subject to disturbance. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45(4): 912-927. doi:

Zhang, C. Xu, M. Hassan, M. A. Chartrand, S. M., Wang, Z. and Z. MA. 2019. Experiment on morphological and hydraulic adjustments of step‐pool unit to flow increase. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45(2): 280-294. doi:

Talebi, A. Zahedi, E. Hassan, M. A. and M. T. Lesanti. 2019. Locating suitable sites for the construction of underground dams using the subsurface flow simulation (SWAT model) and analytical network process (ANP) (case study: Daroongar watershed, Iran). Sustainable Water Resources Management 5: 1369–1378. doi:

Hassan, M. A. Saletti, M. Zhang, C. Ferrer-Boix, C. Johnson, J. P. L. Müller, T. and C. Von Flotow. 2019. Co‐evolution of coarse grain structuring and bed roughness in response to episodic sediment supply in an experimental aggrading channel. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45(4): 948-961. doi:

Fraccarollo, L. and M. A. Hassan. 2019. Einstein conjecture and resting-time statistics in the bed-load transport of monodispersed particles. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 876: 1077-1089. doi:

Chartrand, S. M. Jellinek, A. M. Hassan, M. A. and C. Ferrer-Boix. 2019. What controls the disequilibrium state of gravel‐bed rivers?’ Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44(15): 3020-3041. doi:

Reid, D. A. Hassan, M. A., Bird, S. and D. Hogan. 2019. Spatial and temporal patterns of sediment storage over 45 years in Carnation Creek, BC, a previously glaciated mountain catchment. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44(8): 1584-1601. doi:

Elgueta-Astaburuaga, M. A. and M. A. Hassan. 2019. Sediment storage, partial transport, and the evolution of an experimental gravel bed under changing sediment supply regimes. Geomorphology 330. doi:

An, C. Parker, G. Hassan, M. A. and X, Fu. 2019. Can magic sand cause massive degradation of a gravel-bed river at the decadal scale? Shi‑ting River, China. Geomorphology 327: 147-158. doi:

Tsuruta, K. Hassan, M. A. Donner, S. D. and Y. Alila. 2019. Modelling the effects of climatic and hydrological regime changes on the sediment dynamics of the Fraser River Basin, British Columbia, Canada. Hydrological Processes 33(2): 244-260. doi:

Marwan Hassan

phone 604 822 5894
location_on GEOG 253

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1989, PhD
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, MSc
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, BA

About keyboard_arrow_down

My research covers a wide range of topics in geomorphology and hydrology such as landscape evolution, the interaction between hill-slopes and channels, channel stability and morphology, river sediment transport and sediment yield, stream ecology, in-channel wood dynamics, and modeling fine sediments and their interactions with stream physical and biological characteristics.

I have worked on fundamental processes involving flow and sediment transport and contributed to the advancement of river science at various scales, from sediment grains to watersheds, and in fields outside fluvial geomorphology such as urban hydrology, hyporheic flow, desert floods, water quality, and water resources.

Model development has been a very important component of my research, with considerable experimental flume work used to complement field data.

Teaching keyboard_arrow_down
Publications keyboard_arrow_down


McDowell, C. and M.A. Hassan. 2024. Response of a small, forested stream to a large input of sediment. Geomorphology 447 109002. doi:


Hassan, M. A. Li, W. Viparelli, E. An, C. and A. J. Mitchell. 2023. Influence of sediment supply timing on bedload transport and bed surface texture during a single experimental hydrograph in gravel bed rivers. Water Resources Research 59 (12). doi:

Zheng, S. An, C. Wang, H. Li, L. Wang, F. and M. A. Hassan. 2023. The migration of the erosion center downstream of the Three Gorges Dam, China, and the role played by underlying gravel layer. Water Resources Research 59 (11). doi:

Hassan, M. A. Saletti, M. McDowell, C. and W. Li. 2023. Sediment dynamics and bed stability in step-pool streams: Insights from 18 years of field observations. Water Resources Research 59 (1). doi:

Lei, Y. Hassan, M. A. Viparelli, E. Chartrand, S. M. An, C. Fu, X. and C. Hu. 2023. The effect of sediment supply on pool-riffle morphology. Water Resources Research 59 (11). doi:

Chen, X. Hassan, M.A. Bird, S. Rasouli, K. and X. Fu, X. 2023. The role of previously glaciated landscapes in spatiotemporal variability of streamflow in snow-dominated watersheds: British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 49 101478. doi:

Hassan, M. A. and W. Li. 2023. Experimental dataset for the influence of sediment feeding timing on bedload transport and surface texture during hydrograph in graver bed rivers. Figshare. doi:

Lin, Y. An, C. Zheng, S. Nie, R. Parker, G. Hassan, M. A. Czapiga, M. J. and X. Fu. 2023. Degradation of a foreland river after the Wenchuan Earthquake, China: A combined effect of weirs, sediment supply, and sediment mining. Water Resources Research 59
e2023WR035345. doi:

Schwindt, S. Negreiros, B. Mudiaga-Ojemu, B.O. Hassan, M.A. 2023. Meta-analysis of a large bedload transport rate data. Geomorphology 435: 108748. doi:

Li, W. Saletti, M. Hassan, M. A. Johnson, J.P.L. Carr, J. Chui, C. and K. Yang. 2023. The influence of coarse particle abundance and spatial distribution on sediment transport and cluster evolution in steep channels under sediment-starved conditions. Catena 229, 107199. doi:

Papangelakis, E. Hassan, M. A. Luzi, D. Burge, L. M. and S. Peirce. 2023. Measuring geomorphology in river assessment procedures 1: A global overview of current practices. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 59 (6): 13421359.

Papangelakis, E. Hassan, M. A. Luzi, D. Burge, L. M. and S. Peirce. 2023. Measuring geomorphology in river assessment procedures 2: Recommendations for supporting river management goals. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 59: 1–23. doi:

Zhang, C. Hassan, M.A. Saletti, M. Zimmermann, A.E.  Xu, M., and Z. Wang. 2023. Unit-Scale Framework for Designing Step-Pool Sequences. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 149 (1).

Chartrand, S.M. Jellinek, A.M. Hassan, M.A. and C. Ferrer-Boix. 2023. Coupling between downstream variations of channel width and local pool–riffle bed topography. Earth Surface Dynamics 11 (1): 1–20. doi:

Church, M. and M. A. Hassan. 2023. The fluvial grain‐size gap: Experimental confirmation of hydraulic origin. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 1-10. doi:

Lin, Y. An, C. Czapiga, M. Hassan, M. Parker, G. and X. Fu. Morphodynamics of the Shi-ting River after Wenchuan Earthquake: Effects of in-channel weirs and fine sediment supply on river incision. EGU23 16582. doi:

Turley, M. and M. Hassan. 2023. Spatial patterns of disconnectivity explain catchment-scale sediment dynamics and transfer efficiencies. Authorea. doi:10.22541/essoar.167690098.82781488/v1

Wlodarczyk, K. Hassan, M. A. and M. Church. 2023. Annual and decadal net morphological displacement of a small gravel-bed channel. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 48: 1630–1645. doi:


Zhu, L., D. Chen, M. Hassan, and J. G. Venditti. 2022. The influence of riparian vegetation on the sinuosity and lateral stability of meandering channels. Geophysical Research Letters 49 (2). doi:

Zhang, C. Xu, Y. Hassan, M.A. Xu, M. and P. He. 2022. A combined approach of experimental and numerical modeling for 3D hydraulic features of a step-pool unit. Earth Surface Dynamics 10: 1253–1272. doi:

Chen, X. Hassan, M.A. and X. Fu. 2022. Convolutional neural networks for image-based sediment detection applied to a large terrestrial and airborne dataset. Earth Surface Dynamics 10: 349–366. doi:

An, C. Fang, H. Zhang, l. Su, X. Fu, X. Huang, H. Parker, G. Hassan, M. A. Meghan, N.A. Anders, A. M. and G. Wang, G. 2022. Poyang and Dongting Lakes, Yangtze River: tributary lakes blocked by main-stem aggradation, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (30). doi:

Hassan, M. A. Chartrand, S. M. Radić,V. Ferrer-Boix, C. Buckrell, E. and C. McDowell. 2022. Experiments on the sediment transport along pool-riffle unit. Water Resources Research 58. doi:

Al-Ghorani, N.G. Hassan, M.A. Langendoen, E.J. 2022. Reach-scale morphodynamics: insights from 20 years of observations and model simulations. Geomorphology 41.

Pierce, J.K. Hassan, M.A. and R. M. L Ferreira. 2022. Probabilistic description of bedload fluxes from the aggregate dynamics of individual grains, Earth Surface Dynamics 10: 817–832.  doi:

Wang, J. Hassan, M.A. Saletti, M. Yang, X. Zhou, H. and J. Zhou. 2022. Experimental study on the mitigation effects of deflection walls on debris flow hazards at the confluence of tributary and main river, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 81 (9): 354. doi:

Zhang, C. Sun, A. Hassan, M.A. and C. Qin. 2022. Assessing Through-Water Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry in Gravel-Bed Rivers under Controlled Conditions. Remote Sens, 14, 5351. doi:

Zhu, L. Chen, D. Hassan, M. A. and J. G. Venditti. 2022. The influence of riparian vegetation on the sinuosity and lateral stability of meandering channels. Geophysical Research Letters 49. doi:

Reid, D.A. Hassan, M.A. and R. McCleary. 2022. Glacial landscape configuration influences channel response to Flooding. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 47 (1): 209–227. doi: 10.1002/esp.5240.


Hassan, M. A. RadiĆ, V. Buckrell, E. Chartrand, S. M. and C. Mcdowell. 2021. Pool-Riffle Adjustment Due to Changes in Flow and Sediment Supply. Water Resources Research 57(2). doi:

An, C. Gong, Z. Naito, K. Parker, G. Hassan, M. A. Ma, H. and X, Fu. 2021. Grain Size-Specific Engelund-Hansen Type Relation for Bed Material Load in Sand-Bed Rivers, With Application to the Mississippi River. Water Resources Research 57(2). doi:

Reid, D. A. Hassan, M. A. and R. McCleary. 2021. Glacial landscape configuration influences channel response to Flooding. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 47: 209–227. doi:

Al-Ghorani, N. G. Hassan, M. A. and E. J. Langendoen. 2021. Spatiotemporal patterns of fractional suspended sediment dynamics in small watersheds. Water Resources Research 57(11). doi:

An, C. Hassan, M. A. Ferrer-Boix, C. and X. Fu. 2021.Effect of stress history on sediment transport and channel adjustment in graded gravel-bed rivers. Earth Surface Dynamics 9 (2): 333– 350. doi:

Juez, C. Garijo, N. Hassan, M. A. and E. Nadal-Romero. 2021. Intraseasonal-to- interannual analysis of discharge and suspended sediment concentration time-series of the Upper Changjiang (Yangtze River). Water Resources Research 57 (8).

Wang, J. Hassan, M. A. Saletti, M. Chen, X. Fu, X. Zhou, H. and X. Yang. 2021. On how episodic sediment supply influences the evolution of channel morphology, bedload transport and channel stability in an experimental step-pool channel. Water Resources Research 57 (7). doi:

Luzi, D. Hassan, M. A. Papangelakis, E. and B. Eaton. 2021. Cycles of aggradation and degradation in gravel-bed rivers mediated by sediment storage and morphologic evolution. Geomorphology 395 (11). doi:

McDowell, C. Gaeuman, D. and M. A. Hassan. 2021. Linkages between bedload displacements and topographic change. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 46 (15): 3127–3142. doi:

Terweh, S. Hassan, M. A. Mao, L. Schrott, L. and T. O. Hoffmann. 2021. Bio-climate affects hillslope and fluvial sediment grain size along the Chilean Coastal Cordillera. Geomorphology 384. doi:

Turley, M. Hassan, M. A. and O. Slaymaker. 2021. Quantifying sediment connectivity: Moving toward a holistic assessment through a mixed methods approach. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 46 (12): 2501–2519. doi:

Wang, J. Hassan, M. A. Saletti, M. Chen, X. Fu, X. Zhou, H. and X. Yang. 2021. Experimental insights into the effect of event sequencing and sediment input texture on step-pool channel evolution. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 47 (2): 569-581. doi:



Saletti, M. and Hassan, M. A. 2020. Width variations control the development of grainstructuring in steep step-pool dominated streams:insight from flume experiments. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45(6): 1430-1440. doi:

Zhang, Y. Hassan, M. A. King, L. Fu, X., Istanbulluoglu, E. and G. Wang. 2020. Morphometrics of China’s Loess Plateau: The spatial legacy of tectonics, climate, and loess deposition history. Geomorphology 354. doi:

Pierce, J. K. and Hassan, M. A. 2020. Joint Stochastic Bedload Transport and Bed Elevation Model: Variance Regulation and Power Law Rests. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 125(4). doi:

Pierce, J. K. and Hassan, M. A. 2020. Back to Einstein: Burial-Induced Three-Range Diffusion in Fluvial Sediment Transport. Geophysical Research Letters 47(15). doi:

Reid, D. A. and Hassan, M. A. 2020. Response of In-Stream Wood to Riparian Timber Harvesting: Field Observations and Long-Term Projections. Water Resources Research 56(8). doi: 10.1029/2020WR027077

Chen, X. Hassan, M. A. An, C. and X. Fu. 2020. Rough Correlations: Meta-Analysis of Roughness Measures in Gravel Bed Rivers. Water Resources Research 56(8). doi:

Hassan, M. A. Saletti, M. Johnson, J. P. L. Ferrer-Boix, C. Venditti, J. G. and M. Church. 2020 ‘Experimental Insights Into the Threshold of Motion in Alluvial Channels: Sediment Supply and Streambed State. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 125. doi:

Helm, C. Hassan, M. A. and D. Reid. 2020. Characterization of morphological units in a small, forested stream using close-range remotely piloted aircraft imagery. Earth Surface Dynamics 8(4): 913-929. doi:

McDowell, C. and M. A. Hassan. 2020. The influence of channel morphology on bedload path lengths: Insights from a survival process model. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45(12): 2982-2997. doi:

Saletti, M. and Hassan, M. A. 2020. Experimental study of sediment supply control on step formation, evolution, and stability. Earth Surface Dynamics 8(4): 855–868. doi:



Reid, D. A. Hassan, M. A. Bird, S. Pike, R. and P. Tschaplinski. 2019. Does variable channel morphology lead to dynamic salmon habitat?. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45(2): 295-311. doi:

De Rego, K. Lauer, J. W. Eaton, B. and M. A. Hassan. 2019. A decadal‐scale numerical model for wandering, cobble‐bedded rivers subject to disturbance. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45(4): 912-927. doi:

Zhang, C. Xu, M. Hassan, M. A. Chartrand, S. M., Wang, Z. and Z. MA. 2019. Experiment on morphological and hydraulic adjustments of step‐pool unit to flow increase. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45(2): 280-294. doi:

Talebi, A. Zahedi, E. Hassan, M. A. and M. T. Lesanti. 2019. Locating suitable sites for the construction of underground dams using the subsurface flow simulation (SWAT model) and analytical network process (ANP) (case study: Daroongar watershed, Iran). Sustainable Water Resources Management 5: 1369–1378. doi:

Hassan, M. A. Saletti, M. Zhang, C. Ferrer-Boix, C. Johnson, J. P. L. Müller, T. and C. Von Flotow. 2019. Co‐evolution of coarse grain structuring and bed roughness in response to episodic sediment supply in an experimental aggrading channel. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45(4): 948-961. doi:

Fraccarollo, L. and M. A. Hassan. 2019. Einstein conjecture and resting-time statistics in the bed-load transport of monodispersed particles. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 876: 1077-1089. doi:

Chartrand, S. M. Jellinek, A. M. Hassan, M. A. and C. Ferrer-Boix. 2019. What controls the disequilibrium state of gravel‐bed rivers?’ Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44(15): 3020-3041. doi:

Reid, D. A. Hassan, M. A., Bird, S. and D. Hogan. 2019. Spatial and temporal patterns of sediment storage over 45 years in Carnation Creek, BC, a previously glaciated mountain catchment. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44(8): 1584-1601. doi:

Elgueta-Astaburuaga, M. A. and M. A. Hassan. 2019. Sediment storage, partial transport, and the evolution of an experimental gravel bed under changing sediment supply regimes. Geomorphology 330. doi:

An, C. Parker, G. Hassan, M. A. and X, Fu. 2019. Can magic sand cause massive degradation of a gravel-bed river at the decadal scale? Shi‑ting River, China. Geomorphology 327: 147-158. doi:

Tsuruta, K. Hassan, M. A. Donner, S. D. and Y. Alila. 2019. Modelling the effects of climatic and hydrological regime changes on the sediment dynamics of the Fraser River Basin, British Columbia, Canada. Hydrological Processes 33(2): 244-260. doi: