
Emergency Information

For all emergencies, immediately call 9-1-1, and provide the location of the building that you are closest to. The Geography Department is located at 1984 West Mall.

For medical emergencies, contact 9-1-1 first, then contact First Aid using one of the numbers below.

First Aid

Faculty, staff, and student-staff: 604-822-4444

Students and visitors: 604-822-2222

Campus Security

UBC Campus Security: 604-822-2222

AMS SafeWalk: 604-822-5355

Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

An AED is located on the first floor of the Geography Building in the west hallway near room 100.

Naloxone Kit

There is a Naloxone Kit located beside the AED on the first floor, outside Rm. 100 (beside the accessible elevator).

Emergency Map

Below is a map of the first and second floor of the Geography building, highlighting the locations of fire extinguishers, fire alarms, exits etc.

Predesignated Meeting Area

In case of a fire, calmly exit the building and proceed to the predesignated meeting area, located across the street of the Geography Building on West Mall. This location is also used in the case of an earthquake, and you should similarly proceed to it after waiting 60 seconds to ensure the area around you has settled.

A map of the Geography Building with designated locations for exits, fire hydrants, and the predisignated meeting area, located accross West Mall.

Local Safety Team

The Geography Local Safety Team (LST) is a dedicated advisory group working on behalf of the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee to improve occupational health and safety for the members of the Department of Geography. We are here to advise, assist, and make recommendations on local procedures and provide support in the identification of hazards in the workplace via inspections, incident/accident investigations, and the development of safety initiatives.

The LST meets on a bi-monthly basis and welcomes questions and/or complaints regarding safety concerns. Not sure if you have a safety concern? Some examples of safety concerns include poor lighting, exposed wires, improper chemical storage, repetitive stress injuries from working conditions, and other hazards. Feel free to contact any LST member listed below for advice.

Staff representatives:
Aaron Woods (Chair)

Devin Fennerty
Kellen Malek

Faculty representative:

Kate Hale

Graduate student representative:

Building Emergency Director: Aaron Woods

Assistant Building Emergency Director: Michael Ferrazzi

Floor Wardens:

First floor north wing and central corridor
Alternate: Leslie Kennah and Jose Aparicio

First floor south wing and central corridor
Primary: Kevin Gillard
Alternate: Mukta Chachra

Second floor north wing and central corridor
Primary: Kellen Malek
Alternate: Connie Cheung and Eric Leinberger

Second floor south wing and central corridor
Primary: Daniela Garcia
Alternate: Danny Wong

Ponderosa Commons Labs
Primary: Devin Fennerty


Resources and Training

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