UBC Geography introduces monthly Green Day

Illustration featuring many climate-friendly practices including cycling, electric vehicles, recycling, planting trees and green energy.

As part of UBC Geography’s ongoing commitment to acting on the climate crisis, we are introducing a monthly Green Day in the department.

Beginning on October 28th, we will take the last Friday of every month to work, teach and learn from home (where possible), and to encourage a focus on issues relevant to climate change in lesson plans.

In reducing our transit emissions for the day, and increasing understanding and dialogue around the climate crisis, we aim to encourage other departments around UBC to join us in making climate change awareness a priority.

Our hope is that Green Day can grow to become a campus-wide event.

“What makes this initiative so potentially impactful is the ability for any UBC department or organization to meaningfully participate.”
Undergraduate student, Climate Action Committee

UBC Geography was the first department on campus to declare a climate emergency in 2019, and the implementation of Green Day by our Climate Action Committee follows through on commitments in our Climate Action Plan to reduce emissions and increase climate-focused teaching.

We are happy to share teaching resources and connections to other climate groups on campus for units who are considering joining us in this initiative.

Teaching Resources

Climate Action @ UBC