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Continuing Faculty

Avery Everhart

Avery Everhart

Assistant Professor

location_onGEOG 209
I am a transdisciplinary socio-spatial scientist with particular interests in health geography, demography, informatics, and community-based participatory research. My work centers transgender and gender diverse lives as they are lived in various geopolitical and socio-legal contexts.

Avi Lewis

Avi Lewis

He / Him / His

Associate Professor

location_onGEOG 129A
I am a documentary filmmaker and educator, with more than 30 years of experience in journalism and storytelling from the front lines of social movements. More recently, I have been deeply involved in the emergent frame of the Green New Deal.

Desirée Valadares

Desirée Valadares

She / Her / Hers

Assistant Professor | Affiliated Faculty, Asian Canadian and Asian Migration Studies (ACAM)

location_onGEOG 252
My research and teaching focus on the cultural memory and infrastructural imaginaries of the Second World War in western Canada and the non-contiguous US

Elvin Wyly

Wyly analyzes the co-evolution of capitalist market processes and state policy in reproducing urban social relations and inequalities. Recent studies blend critical theory and multivariate quantification to examine inequalities in housing finance, gentrification, and the circulation of conspiracy theories in and beyond Trump's America....Read more

Geraldine Pratt

Geraldine Pratt

Professor | Head of Department

phone604 822 5875
location_onGEOG 221/140D
My research focuses on transnational migration, labour precarity, and new geographies of dementia care. I hold the Canada Research Chair in Transnationalism and Precarious Labour.

Jamie Peck

Jamie Peck

He / Him / His

University Killam Professor

phone604 822 0894
location_onGEOG 134
I am an economic geographer and institutional political economist with interests in capitalist transformations, urban and regional restructuring, and statecraft. My work explores how ostensibly 'global' processes are (re)made through localized sites, distanciated networks, and grounded practices.

Jemima Nomunume Baada

Jemima Nomunume Baada

She / Her / Hers

Assistant Professor

phone604 822 4719
location_onGEOG 122
I am an interdisciplinary climate-migration scholar, and my research and teaching are at the intersections of gender, climate change, migration, health and development equity.

Jennifer Williams

Jennifer Williams

She / Her / Hers


phone604 827 1592
location_onGEOG 241
I conduct research to understand how evolution and ecology interact to change population dynamics and species interactions in space and time. Much of my work is focused on plants in temperate savannas and grasslands, and the herbivores that eat them.

Jessica Dempsey

My research and teaching focus on environmental politics. In geography this often goes under the label of political ecology, which considers how environmental politics is shaped by and shapes economics, science, culture, history, gender, racism, colonialism, social movements and more.

Jessica Wang

Jessica Wang

Professor | Associate Head of Graduate Program

location_onGEOG 140E
My research addresses the historical entanglements between science, knowledge, and power.

Juanita Sundberg

Juanita Sundberg

She / Her / Hers

Associate Professor

phone604 822 3535
location_onGEOG 125
I bring the insights of feminist political ecology and the sensibilities of an ethnographer to bear on nature conservation, border security, and militarization.

Kate Hale

Kate Hale

She / Her / Hers

Assistant Professor

phone604 822 4929
location_onGEOG 250
My research goals include characterizing snowpack, climate, and ecohydrologic variability to identify drivers of water availability in alpine and Arctic watersheds. I aim to develop collaborative approaches with diverse stakeholder groups to inform water management and develop strategies for conserv...Read more

Loch Brown

Loch Brown

Associate Professor of Teaching | Associate Head of Undergraduate Program

phone604 822 8567
location_onGEOG 236
Loch's interests lies primarily in the theory and practice of political ecology, with a focus on global human-environmental systems and the use of emerging technologies in environmental and geographic education.
Until June 30, 2025

Luke Bergmann

I am the Canada Research Chair in GIS, Geospatial Big Data and Digital Geohumanities and an Associate Professor here in the Department of Geography. I hold a B.Sc. in Physics from Duke University and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Geography from the University of Minnesota. Before joining UBC Geography, I pre...Read more

Marwan Hassan

Marwan Hassan


phone604 822 5894
location_onGEOG 253
My research covers a wide range of topics in geomorphology and hydrology. Model development has been a very important component of my research, with considerable experimental flume work used to complement field data.

Marysa Laguë

Marysa Laguë

She / Her / Hers

Assistant Professor

phone604 822 2900
location_onGEOG 226
My research focuses on understanding how terrestrial processes impact the atmosphere and surface climate from the scale of a single plant to the scale of a planet, by modulating fluxes of water and energy between the land and the atmosphere.
Until December 31, 2025

Matthew Evenden

My research lies in environmental history and water history and focuses on the history and politics of large rivers, including controversies over dams, fisheries, as well as water supply and quality.

McKenzie Kuhn

McKenzie Kuhn

She / Her / Hers

Assistant Professor

phone604 822 2985
location_onGEOG 240A
My research explores the consequences of climate change on boreal-Arctic ecosystems. Our lab’s key research goals include improving estimates of northern ecosystem greenhouse gas exchange and understanding the role of natural and human disturbances on terrestrial and freshwater biogeochemistry.

Merje Kuus

My research examines the making of expert knowledge in national and transnational regulatory institutions. I focus on diplomatic and geopolitical practices in Europe and the Arctic, but my broader interest lies in knowledge and power in bureaucratic settings.

Michael Fabris

Michael Fabris

He / They

Assistant Professor

phone604 822 0253
location_onGEOG 140B
As an Indigenous Geographer, my research focuses on processes of dispossession in settler colonial contexts, and the Indigenous social movements that seek to challenge these processes by reasserting Indigenous land and water relationships through their own forms of governance and legal jurisdiction....Read more
Until June 30, 2025

Michele Koppes

My research and teaching explores the intersections of glaciers, mountains, and the people who dwell within them, and how they are responding to ongoing climate change.

Mohammed Rafi Arefin

Mohammed Rafi Arefin

He / Him / His

Assistant Professor

location_onGEOG 123
My research is focused on urban environmental politics. I draw on scholarship in infrastructural geographies, urban political ecology and environmental justice, geographical political economy, science and technology studies, and discard studies to explore the politics of urban waste and sanitation.

Naomi Klein

Naomi Klein

She / Her / Hers

Associate Professor | UBC Professor of Climate Justice

location_onGEOG 143
My research and teaching take place at the intersection of crisis and political transformation. I look at the ways that large-scale shocks, from economic crises to ecological disasters to terror attacks, act as catalysts and accelerators for broad-based social change.

Naomi Schwartz

Naomi Schwartz

Assistant Professor

phone604 827 3064
location_onGEOG 242A
Our lab's research addresses questions about the causes and consequences of disturbance and extreme events in tropical forest landscapes.

Nina Hewitt

Nina Hewitt

She / Her / Hers

Associate Professor of Teaching

phone604 822 9178
location_onGEOG 235
My research explores vegetation dynamics with a focus on the impacts of human activities, particularly ecosystem fragmentation, altered disturbance regimes, biological invasions and climate change.

Peter James Hudson

Peter James Hudson

Associate Professor

location_onGEOG 225
Deploying the methodologies and literatures of Black Studies, political economy, and history, my research examines the long histories of Black dispossession under capitalism, and of Black resistance to capitalist dispossession.

Philippe Le Billon

My research explores tensions between environmental sustainability, development, and security issues. I investigate socio-environmental conflicts around extractive industries, ocean sustainability, the green transition, and the climate crisis.

Priti Narayan

Priti Narayan

Assistant Professor

phone604 822 3268
location_onGEOG 208
My research and teaching interests center around urban processes and politics, particularly in India. I am currently the Director of the Centre for India and South Asian Research (CISAR).

Simon Donner

Simon Donner

He / Him / His


phone604 822 6959
location_onGEOG 133
I am a climate scientist focused on helping the world prevent and prepare for climate change. My research program lies primarily at the intersection of climate change science, marine science, and policy.

Siobhán Wittig McPhee

Siobhán Wittig McPhee

Associate Professor of Teaching

phone604 827 2078
location_onGEOG 124
My role as an educator in the Educational Leadership Stream at UBC, is one of being a facilitator for students learning. I view my role as an academic and an educator to encourage students and to equip them with the tools they need for their success both academically and more broadly.

Tianjia Liu

Tianjia Liu

She / Her / Hers

Assistant Professor

location_onGEOG 242B
My research focuses on natural disasters, climate extremes, and human-environment interactions, with an emphasis on fires, air quality, and public health.

Trevor Barnes

I have been mainly pursuing various themes in the history of twentieth-century geography. This includes the role of American geographers in the Cold War, geography's Vietnam War protestors and the history of North American radical geography.
Sessional Lecturers

Audrey Pearson

Old-growth forests, coastal temperate rain forest systems both ecological and cultural, natural and logging disturbances, ecosystem recovery, ecological restoration, restoration of riparian, estuary systems and salmon habitat, traditional knowledge, science communication, creating sustainable societ...Read more

Bonnie Kaserman

Bonnie Kaserman

Sessional Lecturer (Term 1&2)

location_onGEOG 121

Carla Urquhart

Carla Urquhart

Sessional Lecturer (Term 1)

location_onGEOG 107
Pursuing a PhD degree Research Area: Ecology and Evolution; Range Dynamics; Ecological Modelling Supervisor: Dr. Jennifer Williams Degrees: BA in Geography (Environment and Sustainability) and Mathematics -- UBC Entry Date: May 2020

Chris Meulbroek

Chris Meulbroek

Sessional Lecturer (Term 2)

I am a Ph.D. candidate with research interests in geographical political economy, development studies, social histories of economic thought, and trans-regional relations between East Asia and North America.

Corrine Armistead

Corrine Armistead

Sessional Lecturer (Term 1)

Pursuing a PhD, supervised by Dr. Luke Bergmann and Dr. Karen Bakker.

Dawn Mooney

Dawn Mooney

She / Her / Hers

Sessional Lecturer (Term 1 & 2)

location_onGEOG 121
I teach cartography and work as a cartographer and data visualizer at the UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research. I am interested in methods of effective visual communication of health data and in using mapping to explore, communicate and address geographic disparities in health.

Heather Chappells

Heather Chappells

She / Her / Hers

Sessional Lecturer (Term 2)

location_onGEOG 117
My research and teaching are interdisciplinary in focus, connecting ideas from geography, environmental science, history and sociology to address the sustainable management of energy and water systems from a community to a global scale.

Iain Stewart

Iain Stewart

Sessional Lecturer (Term 2)

Iain D. Stewart is a researcher and lecturer in urban climatology and climate-sensitive urban design.  He is currently a Fellow of the Global Cities Institute at the University of Toronto and a Visiting Scholar at Universidad Nacional de Colombia.  Iain also serves as Associate Editor for the jou...Read more

María Cervantes-Macías

María Cervantes-Macías


Sessional Lecturer (Term 1)

location_onGEOG 126, Urban Studies Lab
María Esther Cervantes is a PhD candidate in Geography at the UBC. María is currently at Yale University as a Fox International Fellow. Her dissertation focuses on highly skilled Mexican immigration to the Pacific Northwest and the intersections between social class, education and migration.

Micheal Jerowsky

Micheal Jerowsky

He / Him / His

Sessional Lecturer (Term 1&2)

location_onGEOG 117
Community-based researcher, educational technologist, and sessional instructor.

Rachel Phillips

Rachel Phillips


Sessional Lecturer (Term 2)

Pursuing a doctor of philosophy degree Supervisor: Jamie Peck Degrees: BA, Urban Studies, University of Toronto; MA, Human Geography, University of Toronto Entry Date: 2020 Expected Graduation Date: 2025 Research Statement: My work examines how law and other forms of state power shape...Read more

Rachel Brydolf-Horwitz

Rachel Brydolf-Horwitz

Sessional Lecturer (Term 2)

location_onGEOG 210D
Supervisor(s):  Geraldine Pratt and Elvin Wyly
Postdoctoral Fellows

Holly Chubb

Holly Chubb


Postdoctoral Research Fellow


Jyotirmoy Barman

Jyotirmoy Barman

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

phone604 822 9105
location_onGEOG 127

Max Hurson

Max Hurson

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

phone604 822 9105
location_onGEOG 127
Visiting Scholars

David Durand-Delacre

David Durand-Delacre

Visiting Assistant Professor

Visiting from the United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), November 18, 2024 to November 17, 2025. I am a human geographer and critical migration scholar interested in the political, cultural, and epistemological controversies arising from growing concern ...Read more

Fiona Allon

Fiona Allon

Visiting Associate Professor

Research Area

Gender, Race, Class
Visiting from The University of Sydney from February 03, 2025 - July 4, 2025

Research Area

Gender, Race, Class
Associate Members

Andre Zimmermann

Andre Zimmermann

Adjunct Professor

André Zimmermann is a professional geoscientist who conducts studies on sediment transport and river systems. He works for Northwest Hydraulic Consultants on a variety of river and coastal projects for clients that include municipal, provincial and federal governments, individual land owners, hydro...Read more

David Clements

David Clements

Affiliate Professor

David R. Clements (Ph.D., Queen’s University) is a Professor of Biology and Assistant Dean of Science at Trinity Western University (TWU) in Canada. He researches invasive weed biology in BC, and other parts of the world such as China and Australia, and has published extensively. He has served as ...Read more

David Reid

I have a research background in geomorphology and ecohydrology, and currently work for Fisheries and Oceans Canada. My work focusses on trialing innovative habitat restoration strategies with various project partners around BC.

Georg Jost

Georg Jost

Adjunct Professor

I am a hydrologist and work as a forecaster at BC Hydro. My daily bread and butter job is to forecast inflows for most of the reservoirs in our Province from an hourly to annual time scales.

Glen Coulthard

Glen Coulthard

Associate Member (First Nations & Indigenous Studies)

phone604 822 2880
location_onBUCH E-263
Glen Coulthard (PhD – University of Victoria) is a member of the Yellowknives Dene First Nation and an associate professor in the First Nations and Indigenous Studies Program and the Department of Political Science. Glen has written and published numerous articles and chapters in the areas of Indi...Read more

John Paul Catungal

John Paul Catungal

Associate Member (Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice)

phone604 822 9148
location_onSOWK 140
Dr. JP Catungal is Assistant Professor of Critical Racial and Ethnic Studies in the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice. A queer, first-generation Filipino-Canadian settler living in unceded Coast Salish territories, JP is an interdisciplinary scholar trained in the nexus of cri...Read more

Kai Tsuruta

Kai Tsuruta

Honorary Research Associate

Kavita Philip

Kavita Philip

Associate Member (English Language and Literatures)

Kuni Kamizaki

Kuni Kamizaki

Associate Member (School of Community and Regional Planning)

Kuni Kamizaki is an assistant professor in the School of Community and Regional Planning (SCARP). Kuni’s research adopts a multi-scalar approach to urban transformation in global cities, with an emphasis on issues of displacement and housing inequality, as well as community-led alternatives for so...Read more

Leila Harris

Leila Harris

Associate Member (Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability)

Leila M Harris is a Professor in the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability and also in the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice at the University of British Columbia.

Lori Daniels

Lori Daniels

Associate Member (Forestry)

phone604 822 3442
location_onFSC 3020
Lori Daniels is a professor in the Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences. My research strives to advance fundamental scientific knowledge on forest dynamics, which is imperative for conserving and managing contemporary forests and adapting to global environmental change. My research char...Read more

Minelle Mahtani

Minelle Mahtani

Associate Member (Institute for Social Justice) | Senior Advisor, Provost for Racialized Faculty

phone604 827 3915
location_onBUCH Tower 1008
Brenda and David McLean Chair in Canadian Studies 2021 - 23 Senior Advisor to the Provost on Racialized Faculty Minelle Mahtani is an Associate Professor at The Social Justice Institute, University of British Columbia. She has written “Mixed Race Amnesia: Resisting the Romanticiz...Read more

Richard McCleary

Richard McCleary

Adjunct Professor

I am an aquatic ecologist and geomorphologist employed by the provincial government in Kamloops. My interests are in land use and water use effects on the ecological functions of streams. I enjoy helping to team graduate students with challenging issues for their research.

Tara Cookson

Tara Cookson

Associate Member (School of Public Policy and Global Affairs)

Tara Patricia Cookson is Assistant Professor and Canada Research Chair in Gender, Development, and Global Public Policy at the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs (SPPGA) and an Associate Member of the Geography Department.

Tom Koch

As an adjunct professor of geography with a multidisciplinary PHD in geography, ethics/philosophy and medicine I continue to work in three allied fields. First, issues of medical geography and the means by which epidemic and endemic diseases are understood spatially, primarily through mapping. This ...Read more

Alf Siemens

Alf Siemens

Professor Emeritus

phone604 822 2663
My research interests focus on pre-Hispanic wetland agriculture; cultural-historical geography of Mesoamerican tropical lowlands; and the recent impact of agricultural globalization. I am currently working on an environmental history of the Candelaria River Basin in southwestern Campeche, Mexico, fr...Read more

Brett Eaton

Brett Eaton

Professor Emeritus

phone604 822 2257
location_onGEOG 250
I am a fluvial geomorphologist interested in how rivers respond to land use and environmental changes.

Brian Klinkenberg

Brian Klinkenberg

Professor Emeritus

phone604 822 3534
location_onGEOG 210J
My work focuses on advanced spatial analysis in the physical, health and social sciences, and in the intersection of these areas (e.g., medical biogeography and Geographic Information Science).

Dan Hiebert

Dan Hiebert

Professor Emeritus

phone604 822 2663
In retirement I continue to be interested in international migration. At the broadest scale, this involves trying to understand how policy and regulatory systems shape migration, and also how people become mobile, with or without the consent of states.

Dan Moore

Dan Moore

Professor Emeritus

phone604 822 3538
location_onGEOG 246
My research focuses on the influence of climate variability and change, in conjunction with forest and glacier dynamics, on hydrological processes and the patterns of streamflow and water quality.

David Edgington

David Edgington

Professor Emeritus

phone604 822 2663
Research Interest: Geography of Japan and the Pacific Rim Geography of International Trade, Overseas Investment and Multinational Corporations Disaster Research in the Pacific Rim Multiculturalism and Local Governments David Edgington has degrees from the University of London (BSc Estate Mana...Read more

David Ley

David Ley

Professor Emeritus

phone604 822 2663
I have undertaken a number of projects on immigration to Canadian cities, including: immigration, housing and labour markets; offsetting immigration and domestic migration in world cities; immigration and poverty; immigrant churches as service hubs; multiculturalism and the governance of diversity. ...Read more

David McClung

David McClung

Professor Emeritus

phone604 822 3537
location_onGEOG 231
Snow and avalanche mechanics, avalanche dynamics and engineering, avalanche prediction and forecasting. Dr. McClung holds the NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Snow and Avalanche Science, supported by NSERC, Forest Renewal BC, Canadian Mountain Holidays, and UBC. The research program covers aval...Read more

Derek Gregory

Derek Gregory

Peter Wall Distinguished Professor Emeritus

phone604 822 2663
My research has two interconnected themes. Most generally, I am interested in the spatial modalities of late modern war, where military violence, occupation and peace bleed into one another. My focus for these investigations is the Middle East, specifically Iraq and Israel/Palestine, but I also cons...Read more

Graeme Wynn

An environmental-historian/ historical geographer, I have wide-ranging research interests in Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Southern Africa. My UBC career included stints as Department Head, Associate Dean, and Principal of the UBC Emeritus College. I edited 2 major journals and a UBCPress series, and still lead various organizations....Read more

Greg Henry

Greg Henry

Professor Emeritus

phone604 822 2985
location_onGEOG 241
I have been working to understand the consequences of environmental change, driven by the changing climate, on Arctic tundra ecosystems through long-term observations and field experiments. Studies of plant growth, phenology and reproduction, biodiversity responses, biotic interactions, evolutionary...Read more

Ian McKendry

Ian McKendry

Professor Emeritus

phone604 822 4929
location_onGEOG 250
My long-term research goals have been primarily directed at understanding meteorological phenomena that develop in regions of complex, urbanized terrain.

Margaret North

Margaret North

Senior Instructor Emerita

phone604 822 2663
Research interests focus on vegetation change along the Peace River.

Michael Bovis

Michael Bovis

Associate Professor Emeritus

phone604 822 2663
Research interests focus on hillslope geomorphology, and in particular mass movement phenomena in the Western Cordillera. Former Head of the Department (2002-2005).

Michael Church

Michael Church

Professor Emeritus

phone604 822 2663
My research interests focus on the morphodynamics of rivers at all scales from steepland streams to large rivers. I am engaged in long-term studies of sediment transport and stability in Fraser River. Sediment transport is also studied in an experimental program conducted in the stream dynamics labo...Read more

Olav Slaymaker

Olav Slaymaker

Professor Emeritus

phone604 822 2663
I study changing landscapes at local, regional and global scales, with emphasis on mountain environments. My current focus is on protected areas in Canada, with recent book chapters on protected areas in western (2017) and eastern Canada (2020).

Richard Copley

Richard Copley

Senior Instructor Emeritus

phone604 822 2663
Research interests focus on astronomical influences on the location and layout of sacred sites in the Sinitic world.

Robert North

Robert North

Associate Professor Emeritus

phone604 822 2663
Research interests focus on the changing economic geography of the ex-Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Former Associate Head of the Department (1998-2001)

Sally Hermansen

Sally Hermansen

Professor of Teaching Emerita

My main area of interest is Geographic Data Visualization, and I teach courses in Cartography, Geographic Information Science and Remote Sensing.

Terence McGee

Terence McGee

Professor Emeritus

phone604 822 2663
I am enjoying retirement in Victoria and spending time with my wife, Lori and my grandchildren .  I can be reached through email and would love to hear from previous students and colleagues.   Former Director of the Institute of Asian Research, UBC (1978-1992; July 1995 - December 1998)....Read more

Tim Oke

Tim Oke

Professor Emeritus

phone604 822 2663
Research interests focus on urban climate and the energy and water balances of cities. Former Head of the Department (1991-1996). Honours: Order of Canada; Fellow of The Royal Society of Canada
In Memoriam

Bert Farley (1923-2007)

Bert Farley (1923-2007)

Professor Emeritus | In Memoriam

phone604 822 2663
Research interests focus on the energy Industry in BC.

Cole Harris (1936-2022)

Cole Harris (1936-2022)

Professor Emeritus | In Memoriam

phone604 822 2663
Research interests focus on European settlement in early Canada and on geographies of colonialism in early British Columbia.

J. Lewis Robinson (1918-2008)

J. Lewis Robinson (1918-2008)

Professor Emeritus | In Memoriam

phone604 822 2663
Lew was founding head of Geography at UBC and long-time member of the UBC community. He was the author of The Canadian Arctic (1952); Resources of the Canadian Shield (1969); British Columbia: A hundred years of geographical change with W. Hardwick (1973); and Concepts and Themes in the Regional Geography of Canada (1983)....Read more

John Chapman (1923-2015)

John Chapman (1923-2015)

Professor Emeritus | In Memoriam

phone604 822 2663
After writing a definitive account of the Climate of BC, John’s focus shifted to economic geography and energy policy (Geography and Energy, 1989, John Wiley), interests that he maintained throughout his life. John was the second Head of the Geography Department (1968-1974). During his tenure he i...Read more

John Stager (1928-2018)

John Stager (1928-2018)

Professor Emeritus | In Memoriam

phone604 822 2663
Research interests focus on geography of the Arctic; human adaptation to, and impact upon, the Canadian North.

Karen Bakker (1971-2023)

Karen Bakker (1971-2023)

She / Her / Hers

Professor | In Memoriam

phone604 822 2663
location_onGEOG 217 Main Office
Karen’s primary research interests spanned political economy, political ecology, environmental studies, STS, and digital geographies. Her most recent research focused on the implications of digital technologies for environmental governance.

Ken Denike (1939-2024)

Ken Denike (1939-2024)

Assistant Professor Emeritus

phone604 822 2663
Much of my early research focused on the trade off between equity and efficiency of delivery of public and private economic activity most notably in transportation and education.

Ross Mackay (1915-2014)

Ross Mackay (1915-2014)

Professor Emeritus | In Memoriam

phone604 822 2663
Ross taught Geography at UBC and conducted over 60 years of field research on permafrost in the Northwest Territories.